This scholarship was established in 2021 to honor Murray Austin Goldstone M.D. (1934-2022), who practiced psychiatry and psychoanalysis in Shaker Heights, Ohio for 60 years and sought to explore and understand the mysteries of the human mind. Dr. Goldstone believed that only by combining the insights of psychology, computer science, philosophy, psychoanalysis, neuroscience, linguistics, education, anthropology, and the humanities—that is, only by taking a cognitive science approach—can we ever hope to have a full appreciation of minds and behavior.
Application Process
Undergraduates who are planning or conducting research projects in cognitive science can apply for this Scholarship by submitting a brief proposal describing their project aims, methods, and timeline along with an indication of any budgetary needs and the name of a Cognitive Science faculty member who will oversee the project.
Materials and questions should be sent to the Director of Undergraduate Studies, Tom Schoenemann, at and cc’ing Cognitive Science administrator Candi Arnold at Submissions can be made at any time and will be considered and evaluated by the awards committee on a rolling basis—there is no fixed deadline.
Donations to expand this Scholarship can be made by clicking on the link below and selecting the Murray Austin Goldstone Scholarship from the drop down list.