News & Events

An active + engaging program

Bringing researchers together for a depth of inquiry is one of our priorities. To do this, we sponsor a number of open forums. During the academic year, researchers from around the world present their ideas in our biweekly colloquium series. Less formal groups include the weekly Cognitive Lunch. We also sponsor national and international conferences.

The Cognitive Science Program 
Annual Awards Ceremony
Monday March 31st 
IMU Tudor Room

Program events

Q733 Colloquium

Colloquia occur on selected Mondays at 4:00 p.m. in PY 101 and on Zoom.

View Colloquium Series

Cognitive Lunch

The Cognitive Lunch talks will be on Wednesdays at 12:00 p.m. in the Psychology conference room (PY 128) located behind the main office.

View Cognitive Lunch Talks