Cognitive science explores the nature of intelligent systems, focusing on formal theories of mind and information. As scholars in the discipline, we seek a better understanding of mind, learning, teaching, and cognitive skills. We are also interested in the development of intelligent systems designed to augment human capacities in constructive ways.
Our field is inherently interdisciplinary—with contributions from computer science, psychology, philosophy, neuroscience, linguistics, biology, anthropology, and other domains. Both natural intelligence (in humans and in animals) and artificial intelligence fall within the scope of inquiry. Our research deals with aspects of complex cognition, computational models of thought processing, knowledge representation, dynamics of real-world engagement, and the emergent behavior of large-scale interacting systems.
Training in cognitive science prepares you for many careers that represent major growth fields of the twenty-first century. These include telecommunications, information processing, medical analysis, data retrieval, human-computer interaction, and education.