A matter of focus: monoaminergic modulation of stimulus coding in mammalian sensory networks (2004) LM Hurley, DM Devilbiss and BD Waterhouse Elsevier Current Trends. 14 (4), 488-495
Although the presence of neuromodulators in mammalian sensory systems has been noted for some time, a groundswell of evidence has now begun to document the scope of these regulatory mechanisms in several sensory systems, highlighting the importance of neuromodulation in shaping feature extraction at all levels of neural processing. The emergence of more sophisticated models of sensory encoding and of the interaction between sensory and regulatory regions of the brain will challenge sensory neurobiologists to further incorporate a concept of sensory network function that is contingent on neuromodulatory and behavioral state.
Response selectivity for species-specific calls in the inferior colliculus of Mexican free-tailed bats is generated by inhibition (2002) Achim Klug, Eric E Bauer, Joshua T Hanson, Laura Hurley, John Meitzen and George D Pollak Journal of Neurophysiology, 88 (4), 1941-1954
Here we show that inhibition shapes diverse responses to species-specific calls in the inferior colliculus (IC) of Mexican free-tailed bats. We presented 10 calls to each neuron of which 8 were social communication and 2 were echolocation calls. We also measured excitatory response regions: the range of tone burst frequencies that evoked discharges at a fixed intensity. The calls evoked highly selective responses in that IC neurons responded to some calls but not others even though those calls swept through their excitatory response regions. By convolving activity in the response regions with the spectrogram of each call, we evaluated whether responses to tone bursts could predict discharge patterns evoked by species-specific calls. The convolutions often predicted responses to calls that evoked no responses and thus were inaccurate. Blocking inhibition at the IC reduced or eliminated selectivity and greatly …
Serotonin differentially modulates responses to tones and frequency-modulated sweeps in the inferior colliculus (1999) Laura M Hurley and George D Pollak Journal of Neuroscience, 19 (18), 8071-8082
Although almost all auditory brainstem nuclei receive serotonergic innervation, little is known about its effects on auditory neurons. We address this question by evaluating the effects of serotonin on sound-evoked activity of neurons in the inferior colliculus (IC) of Mexican free-tailed bats. Two types of auditory stimuli were used: tone bursts at the neuron’s best frequency and frequency-modulated (FM) sweeps with a variety of spectral and temporal structures. There were two main findings. First, serotonin changed tone-evoked responses in 66% of the IC neurons sampled. Second, the influence of serotonin often depended on the type of signal presented. Although serotonin depressed tone-evoked responses in most neurons, its effects on responses to FM sweeps were evenly mixed between depression and facilitation. Thus in most cells serotonin had a different effect on tone-evoked responses than it did on FM …
Female presence and estrous state influence mouse ultrasonic courtship vocalizations (2012) Jessica L Hanson and Laura M Hurley PloS one, 7 (7), e40782
The laboratory mouse is an emerging model for context-dependent vocal signaling and reception. Mouse ultrasonic vocalizations are robustly produced in social contexts. In adults, male vocalization during courtship has become a model of interest for signal-receiver interactions. These vocalizations can be grouped into syllable types that are consistently produced by different subspecies and strains of mice. Vocalizations are unique to individuals, vary across development, and depend on social housing conditions. The behavioral significance of different syllable types, including the contexts in which different vocalizations are made and the responses listeners have to different types of vocalizations, is not well understood. We examined the effect of female presence and estrous state on male vocalizations by exploring the use of syllable types and the parameters of syllables during courtship. We also explored correlations between vocalizations and other behaviors. These experimental manipulations produced four main findings: 1) vocalizations varied among males, 2) the production of USVs and an increase in the use of a specific syllable type were temporally related to mounting behavior, 3) the frequency (kHz), bandwidth, and duration of syllables produced by males were influenced by the estrous phase of female partners, and 4) syllable types changed when females were removed. These findings show that mouse ultrasonic courtship vocalizations are sensitive to changes in female phase and presence, further demonstrating the context-sensitivity of these calls.
Serotonin in the inferior colliculus (2002) Laura M Hurley, Ann M Thompson and George D Pollak Elsevier. 168 (2-Jan), 11-Jan
It has been recognized for some time that serotonin fibers originating in raphe nuclei are present in the inferior colliculi of all mammalian species studied. More recently, serotonin has been found to modulate the responses of single inferior colliculus neurons to many types of auditory stimuli, ranging from simple tone bursts to complex species-specific vocalizations. The effects of serotonin are often quite strong, and for some neurons are also highly specific. A dramatic illustration of this is that serotonin can change the selectivity of some neurons for sounds, including species-specific vocalizations. These results are discussed in light of several theories on the function of serotonin in the IC, and of outstanding issues that remain to be addressed.
Latency as a function of intensity in auditory neurons: influences of central processing (2000) Achim Klug, Asma Khan, R Michael Burger, Eric E Bauer, Laura M Hurley, Lichuan Yang ... Hearing research, 148 (2-Jan), 107-123
The response latencies of sensory neurons typically shorten with increases in stimulus intensity. In the central auditory system this phenomenon should have a significant impact on a number of auditory functions that depend critically on an integration of precisely timed neural inputs. Evidence from previous studies suggests that the auditory system not only copes with the potential problems associated with intensity-dependent latency change, but that it also modifies latency change to shape the response properties of many cells for specific functions. This observation suggests that intensity-dependent latency change may undergo functional transformations along the auditory neuraxis. The goal of our study was to explore these transformations by making a direct, quantitative comparison of intensity-dependent latency change among a number of auditory centers from the lower brainstem to the thalamus. We found …
Serotonin effects on frequency tuning of inferior colliculus neurons (2001) Laura M Hurley and George D Pollak Journal of Neurophysiology, 85 (2), 828-842
We investigated the modulatory effects of serotonin on the tuning of 114 neurons in the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (ICc) of Mexican free-tailed bats and how serotonin-induced changes in tuning influenced responses to complex signals. We obtained a “response area” for each neuron, defined as the frequency range that evoked discharges and the spike counts evoked by those frequencies at a constant intensity. We then iontophoretically applied serotonin and compared response areas obtained before and during the application of serotonin. In 58 cells, we also assessed how serotonin-induced changes in response areas correlated with changes in the responses to brief frequency-modulated (FM) sweeps whose structure simulated natural echolocation calls. Serotonin profoundly changed tone-evoked spike counts in 60% of the neurons (68/114). In most neurons, serotonin exerted a gain control …
Serotonin modulates responses to species-specific vocalizations in the inferior colliculus (2005) Laura M Hurley and George D Pollak Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 191 (6), 535-546
Neuromodulators such as serotonin are capable of altering the neural processing of stimuli across many sensory modalities. In the inferior colliculus, a major midbrain auditory gateway, serotonin alters the way that individual neurons respond to simple tone bursts and linear frequency modulated sweeps. The effects of serotonin are complex, and vary among neurons. How serotonin transforms the responses to spectrotemporally complex sounds of the type normally heard in natural settings has been poorly examined. To explore this issue further, the effects of iontophoretically applied serotonin on the responses of individual inferior colliculus neurons to a variety of recorded species-specific vocalizations were examined. These experiments were performed in the Mexican free-tailed bat, a species that uses a rich repertoire of vocalizations for the purposes of communication as well as echolocation. Serotonin …
Serotonergic innervation of the auditory brainstem of the Mexican free‐tailed bat, Tadarida brasiliensis (2001) Laura M Hurley and Ann M Thompson Journal of Comparative Neurology, 435 (1), 78-88
Anatomical and electrophysiological evidence suggests that serotonin alters the processing of sound in the auditory brainstem of many mammalian species. The Mexican free‐tailed bat is a hearing specialist, like other microchiropteran bats. At the same time, many aspects of its auditory brainstem are similar to those in other mammals. This dichotomy raises an interesting question regarding the serotonergic innervation of the bat auditory brainstem: Is the serotonergic input to the auditory brainstem similar in bats and other mammals, or are there specializations in the serotonergic innervation of bats that may be related to their exceptional hearing capabilities? To address this question, we immunocytochemically labeled serotonergic fibers in the brainstem of the Mexican free‐tailed bat, Tadarida brasiliensis. We found many similarities in the pattern of serotonergic innervation of the auditory brainstem in Tadarida …
Serotonin shifts first-spike latencies of inferior colliculus neurons (2005) Laura M Hurley and George D Pollak Journal of Neuroscience, 25 (34), 7876-7886
Many studies of neuromodulators have focused on changes in the magnitudes of neural responses, but fewer studies have examined neuromodulator effects on response latency. Across sensory systems, response latency is important for encoding not only the temporal structure but also the identity of stimuli. In the auditory system, latency is a fundamental response property that varies with many features of sound, including intensity, frequency, and duration. To determine the extent of neuromodulatory regulation of latency within the inferior colliculus (IC), a midbrain auditory nexus, the effects of iontophoretically applied serotonin on first-spike latencies were characterized in the IC of the Mexican free-tailed bat. Serotonin significantly altered the first-spike latencies in response to tones in 24% of IC neurons, usually increasing, but sometimes decreasing, latency. Serotonin-evoked changes in latency and spike count …
From behavioral context to receptors: serotonergic modulatory pathways in the IC (2012) Laura M Hurley and Megan R Sullivan Frontiers in neural circuits, 6 58
In addition to ascending, descending, and lateral auditory projections, inputs extrinsic to the auditory system also influence neural processing in the inferior colliculus. These types of inputs often have an important role in signaling salient factors such as behavioral context or internal state. One route for such extrinsic information is through centralized neuromodulatory networks like the serotonergic system. Serotonergic inputs to the IC originate from centralized raphe nuclei, release serotonin in the IC, and activate serotonin receptors expressed by auditory neurons. Different types of serotonin receptors act as parallel pathways regulating specific features of circuitry within the IC. This results from variation in subcellular localizations and effector pathways of different receptors, which consequently influence auditory responses in distinct ways. Serotonin receptors may regulate GABAergic inhibition, influence response gain, alter spike timing, or have effects that are dependent on the level of activity. Serotonin receptor types additionally interact in nonadditive ways to produce distinct combinatorial effects. This array of effects of serotonin is likely to depend on behavioral context, since the levels of serotonin in the IC transiently increase during behavioral events including stressful situations and social interaction. These studies support a broad model of serotonin receptors as a link between behavioral context and reconfiguration of circuitry in the IC, and the resulting possibility that plasticity at the level of specific receptor types could alter the relationship between context and circuit function.
Different serotonin receptor agonists have distinct effects on sound-evoked responses in inferior colliculus (2006) Laura M Hurley Journal of neurophysiology, 96 (5), 2177-2188
The neuromodulator serotonin has a complex set of effects on the auditory responses of neurons within the inferior colliculus (IC), a midbrain auditory nucleus that integrates a wide range of inputs from auditory and nonauditory sources. To determine whether activation of different types of serotonin receptors is a source of the variability in serotonergic effects, four selective agonists of serotonin receptors in the serotonin (5-HT) 1 and 5-HT2 families were iontophoretically applied to IC neurons, which were monitored for changes in their responses to auditory stimuli. Different agonists had different effects on neural responses. The 5-HT1A agonist had mixed facilitatory and depressive effects, whereas 5-HT1B and 5-HT2C agonists were both largely facilitatory. Different agonists changed threshold and frequency tuning in ways that reflected their effects on spike count. When pairs of agonists were applied sequentially to …
Context-dependent modulation of auditory processing by serotonin (2011) LM Hurley and IC Hall Elsevier. 279 (2-Jan), 74-84
Context-dependent plasticity in auditory processing is achieved in part by physiological mechanisms that link behavioral state to neural responses to sound. The neuromodulator serotonin has many characteristics suitable for such a role. Serotonergic neurons are extrinsic to the auditory system but send projections to most auditory regions. These projections release serotonin during particular behavioral contexts. Heightened levels of behavioral arousal and specific extrinsic events, including stressful or social events, increase serotonin availability in the auditory system. Although the release of serotonin is likely to be relatively diffuse, highly specific effects of serotonin on auditory neural circuitry are achieved through the localization of serotonergic projections, and through a large array of receptor types that are expressed by specific subsets of auditory neurons. Through this array, serotonin enacts plasticity in …
Serotonin in the inferior colliculus fluctuates with behavioral state and environmental stimuli (2010) Ian C Hall, George V Rebec and Laura M Hurley Journal of Experimental Biology, 213 (7), 1009-1017
Neuromodulation by serotonin (5-HT) could link behavioral state and environmental events with sensory processing. Within the auditory system, the presence of 5-HT alters the activity of neurons in the inferior colliculus (IC), but the conditions that influence 5-HT neurotransmission in this region of the brain are unknown. We used in vivo voltammetry to measure extracellular 5-HT in the IC of behaving mice to address this issue. Extracellular 5-HT increased with the recovery from anesthesia, suggesting that the neuromodulation of auditory processing is correlated with the level of behavioral arousal. Awake mice were further exposed to auditory (broadband noise), visual (light) or olfactory (2,5-dihydro-2,4,5-trimethylthiazoline, TMT) stimuli, presented with food or confined in a small arena. Only the auditory stimulus or restricted movement increased the concentration of extracellular 5-HT in the IC. Changes occurred …
Serotonin 1B receptor modulates frequency response curves and spectral integration in the inferior colliculus by reducing GABAergic inhibition (2008) Laura M Hurley, Jo Anne Tracy and Alexander Bohorquez Journal of neurophysiology, 100 (3), 1656-1667
The selectivity of sensory neurons for stimuli is often shaped by a balance between excitatory and inhibitory inputs, making this balance an effective target for regulation. In the inferior colliculus (IC), an auditory midbrain nucleus, the amplitude and selectivity of frequency response curves are altered by the neuromodulator serotonin, but the changes in excitatory-inhibitory balance that mediate this plasticity are not well understood. Previous findings suggest that the presynaptic 5-HT1B receptor may act to decrease the release of GABA onto IC neurons. Here, in vivo extracellular recording and iontophoresis of the selective 5-HT1B agonist CP93129 were used to characterize inhibition within and surrounding frequency response curves using two-tone protocols to indirectly measure inhibition as a decrease in spikes relative to an excitatory tone alone. The 5-HT1B agonist attenuated such two-tone spike reduction in a …