Auditory and cognitive factors underlying individual differences in aided speech-understanding among older adults (2013) Larry E Humes, Gary R Kidd and Jennifer J Lentz Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 7 55
This study was designed to address individual differences in aided speech understanding among a relatively large group of older adults. The group of older adults consisted of 98 adults (50 female and 48 male) ranging in age from 60 to 86 (mean = 69.2). Hearing loss was typical for this age group and about 90% had not worn hearing aids. All subjects completed a battery of tests, including cognitive (6 measures), psychophysical (17 measures), and speech-understanding (9 measures), as well as the Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing (SSQ) self-report scale. Most of the speech-understanding measures made use of competing speech and the non-speech psychophysical measures were designed to tap phenomena thought to be relevant for the perception of speech in competing speech (e.g., stream segregation, modulation-detection interference). All measures of speech understanding were administered with spectral shaping applied to the speech stimuli to fully restore audibility through at least 4000 Hz. The measures used were demonstrated to be reliable in older adults and, when compared to a reference group of 28 young normal-hearing adults, age-group differences were observed on many of the measures. Principal-components factor analysis was applied successfully to reduce the number of independent and dependent (speech understanding) measures for a multiple-regression analysis. Doing so yielded one global cognitive-processing factor and five non-speech psychoacoustic factors (hearing loss, dichotic signal detection, multi-burst masking, stream segregation, and modulation detection) as potential predictors. To this set …
Psychophysical estimates of cochlear phase response: Masking by harmonic complexes (2001) Jennifer J Lentz and Marjorie R Leek Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 2 (4), 408-422
Harmonic complexes with identical component frequencies and amplitudes but different phase spectra may be differentially effective as maskers. Such harmonic waveforms, constructed with positive or negative Schroeder phases, have similar envelopes and identical long-term power spectra, but the positive Schroeder-phase waveform is typically a less effective masker than the negative Schroeder-phase waveform. These masking differences have been attributed to an interaction between the masker phase spectrum and the phase characteristic of the basilar membrane. To explore this relationship, the gradient of stimulus phase change across masker bandwidth was varied by systematically altering the Schroeder-phase algorithm. Observers detected a signal tone added in-phase to a single component of a masker whose frequencies ranged from 200 to 5000 Hz, with a fundamental frequency of 100 Hz …
Independence and separability in the perception of complex nonspeech sounds (2009) Noah H Silbert, James T Townsend and Jennifer J Lentz Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 71 (8), 1900-1915
All sounds are multidimensional, yet the relationships among auditory dimensions have been studied only infrequently. General recognition theory (GRT; Ashby & Townsend, 1986) is a multidimensional generalization of signal detection theory and, as such, provides powerful tools well suited to the study of the relationships among perceptual dimensions. However, previous uses of GRT have been limited in serious ways. We present methods designed to overcome these limitations, and we use these methods to apply GRT to investigations of the relationships among auditory perceptual dimensions that previous work suggests are independent (frequency, duration) or not (fundamental frequency [ f0], spectral shape). Results from Experiment 1 confirm that frequency and duration do not interact decisionally, and they extend this finding with evidence of perceptual independence. Results from Experiment 2 …
Decision strategies of hearing-impaired listeners in spectral shape discrimination (2002) Jennifer J Lentz and Marjorie R Leek The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 111 (3), 1389-1398
The ability to discriminate between sounds with different spectral shapes was evaluated for normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners. Listeners detected a 920-Hz tone added in phase to a single component of a standard consisting of the sum of five tones spaced equally on a logarithmic frequency scale ranging from 200 to 4200 Hz. An overall level randomization of 10 dB was either present or absent. In one subset of conditions, the no-perturbation conditions, the standard stimulus was the sum of equal-amplitude tones. In the perturbation conditions, the amplitudes of the components within a stimulus were randomly altered on every presentation. For both perturbation and no-perturbation conditions, thresholds for the detection of the 920-Hz tone were measured to compare sensitivity to changes in spectral shape between normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners. To assess whether hearing-impaired …
The effect of hearing loss on identification of asynchronous double vowels (2006) Jennifer J Lentz and Shavon L Marsh Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research,
This study determined whether listeners with hearing loss received reduced benefits due to an onset asynchrony between sounds. Seven normal-hearing listeners and 7 listeners with hearing impairment (HI) were presented with 2 synthetic, steady-state vowels. One vowel (the late-arriving vowel) was 250 ms in duration, and the other (the early-arriving vowel) varied in duration between 350 and 550 ms. The vowels had simultaneous offsets, and therefore an onset asynchrony between the 2 vowels ranged between 100 and 300 ms. The early-arriving and late-arriving vowels also had either the same or different fundamental frequencies. Increases in onset asynchrony and differences in fundamental frequency led to better vowel-identification performance for both groups, with listeners with HI benefiting less from onset asynchrony than normal-hearing listeners. The presence of fundamental frequency differences did …
Spectral shape discrimination by hearing-impaired and normal-hearing listeners (2003) Jennifer J Lentz and Marjorie R Leek The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 113 (3), 1604-1616
The ability to discriminate between sounds with different spectral shapes was evaluated for normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners. Listeners discriminated between a standard stimulus and a signal stimulus in which half of the standard components were decreased in level and half were increased in level. In one condition, the standard stimulus was the sum of six equal-amplitude tones (equal-SPL), and in another the standard stimulus was the sum of six tones at equal sensation levels re: audiometric thresholds for individual subjects (equal-SL). Spectral weights were estimated in conditions where the amplitudes of the individual tones were perturbed slightly on every presentation. Sensitivity was similar in all conditions for normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners. The presence of perturbation and equal-SL components increased thresholds for both groups, but only small differences in weighting …
Spectral-peak selection in spectral-shape discrimination by normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners (2006) Jennifer J Lentz The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 120 (2), 945-956
Spectral-shape discrimination thresholds were measured in the presence and absence of noise to determine whether normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners rely primarily on spectral peaks in the excitation pattern when discriminating between stimuli with different spectral shapes. Standard stimuli were the sum of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20, or 30 equal-amplitude tones with frequencies fixed between 200 and 4000Hz. Signal stimuli were generated by increasing and decreasing the levels of every other standard component. The function relating the spectral-shape discrimination threshold to the number of components (N) showed an initial decrease in threshold with increasing N and then an increase in threshold when the number of components reached 10 and 6, for normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners, respectively. The presence of a 50-dB SPL/Hz noise led to a 1.7dB increase in threshold for normal …
Perception of spectral contrast by hearing-impaired listeners (2005) Laura E Dreisbach, Marjorie R Leek and Jennifer J Lentz Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research,
The ability to discriminate the spectral shapes of complex sounds is critical to accurate speech perception. Part of the difficulty experienced by listeners with hearing loss in understanding speech sounds in noise may be related to a smearing of the internal representation of the spectral peaks and valleys because of the loss of sensitivity and an accompanying reduction in frequency resolution. This study examined the discrimination by hearing-impaired listeners of highly similar harmonic complexes with a single spectral peak located in 1 of 3 frequency regions. The minimum level difference between peak and background harmonics required to discriminate a small change in the spectral center of the peak was measured for peaks located near 2, 3, or 4 kHz. Component phases were selected according to an algorithm thought to produce either highly modulated (positive Schroeder) or very flat (negative Schroeder …
Sensitivity to changes in overall level and spectral shape: An evaluation of a channel model (1997) Jennifer J Lentz and Virginia M Richards The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 101 (6), 3625-3635
Two experiments involving level and spectral shape discrimination which test an optimal channel model developed by Durlach et al. [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 80, 63–72 (1986)] are described. The model specifies how the auditory system compares and/or combines intensity information in different frequency channels. In the first experiment, psychometric functions were obtained for the discrimination of changes in level and discrimination of changes in spectral shape for an eight-tone complex sound. A variety of different base spectral shapes were tested. In some conditions, level randomization was introduced to reduce the reliability of across-interval changes in level. Increasing the amount of level variation degraded performance for the level discrimination task but had no effect on the shape discrimination task. In all conditions, sensitivity to changes in spectral shape was superior to sensitivity to changes in level …
A new perspective on binaural integration using response time methodology: super capacity revealed in conditions of binaural masking release (2014) Jennifer J Lentz, Yuan He and James T Townsend Frontiers in human neuroscience, 8 641
This study applied reaction-time based methods to assess the workload capacity of binaural integration by comparing reaction time distributions for monaural and binaural tone-in-noise detection tasks. In the diotic contexts, an identical tone + noise stimulus was presented to each ear. In the dichotic contexts, an identical noise was presented to each ear, but the tone was presented to one of the ears 180o out of phase with respect to the other ear. Accuracy-based measurements have demonstrated a much lower signal detection threshold for the dichotic versus the diotic conditions, but accuracy-based techniques do not allow for assessment of system dynamics or resource allocation across time. Further, reaction times allow comparisons between these conditions at the same signal-to-noise ratio. Here, we apply a reaction-time based capacity coefficient, which provides an index of workload efficiency and quantifies the resource allocations for single ear versus two ear presentations. We demonstrate that the release from masking generated by the addition of an identical stimulus to one ear is limited-to-unlimited capacity (efficiency typically less than 1), consistent with less gain than would be expected by probability summation. However, the dichotic presentation leads to a significant increase in workload capacity (increased efficiency) – most specifically at lower signal-to-noise ratios. These experimental results provide further evidence that configural processing plays a critical role in binaural masking release, and that these mechanisms may operate more strongly when the signal stimulus is difficult to detect, albeit still with nearly 100% accuracy.
Phase effects in masking by harmonic complexes in birds (2006) Amanda M Lauer, Robert J Dooling, Marjorie R Leek and Jennifer J Lentz The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 119 (2), 1251-1259
Masking by harmonic complexes depends on the frequency content of the masker and its phase spectrum. Harmonic complexes created with negative Schroeder phases (component phases decreasing with increasing frequency) produce more masking than those with positive Schroeder phases (increasing phase) in humans, but not in birds. The masking differences in humans have been attributed to interactions between the masker phase spectrum and the phase characteristic of the basilar membrane. In birds, the similarity in masking by positive and negative Schroeder maskers, and reduced masking by cosine-phase maskers (constant phase), suggests a phase characteristic that does not change much along the basilar papilla. To evaluate this possibility, the rate of phase change across masker bandwidth was varied by systematically altering the Schroeder algorithm. Humans and three species of birds …
Level dependence in behavioral measurements of auditory-filter phase characteristics (2009) Yi Shen and Jennifer J Lentz The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126 (5), 2501-2510
Two masking experiments were conducted to behaviorally estimate auditory-filter phase curvatures at different stimulus levels. Maskers were harmonic complexes consisting of equal-amplitude tones and phase spectra with varied curvatures. In Experiment 1, sinusoidal signal thresholds were measured at 2 and 4 kHz at fixed masker levels ranging from 50 to 90 dB sound pressure level (SPL). In Experiment 2, the masker level that just masked a sinusoidal signal at 2 and 4 kHz was measured at fixed signal levels of 25, 38, and 50 dB SPL. For both experiments, the estimated phase curvature approached zero (became less negative) with increasing stimulus level. This shift could suggest that the off-frequency phase characteristic of the auditory filter has an increasingly greater role on the estimated auditory-filter phase curvature at higher stimulus levels. This explanation is supported through the use of …
Different auditory filter bandwidth estimates based on profile analysis, notched noise, and hybrid tasks (1999) Jennifer J Lentz, Virginia M Richards and Matthew R Matiasek The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 106 (5), 2779-2792
Auditory filter bandwidths were estimated in three experiments. The first experiment was a profile-analysis experiment. The stimuli were composed of sinusoidal components ranging in frequency from 200 to 5000 Hz. The standard stimulus was the sum of equal-amplitude tones, and the signal stimulus had a power spectrum that varied up–down…up–down. The number of components ranged from four to 60. Interval-by-interval level randomization prevented the change in level of a single component from reliably indicating the change from standard to signal. The second experiment was a notched-noise experiment in which the 1000-Hz tone to be detected was added to a noise with a notch arithmetically centered at 1000 Hz. Detection thresholds were estimated both in the presence of and in the absence of level randomization. In the third, hybrid, experiment a 1000-Hz tone was to be detected, and the masker was …
The effects of amplitude perturbation and increasing numbers of components in profile analysis (1998) Jennifer J Lentz and Virginia M Richards The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 103 (1), 535-541
In a profile-analysis task, the effect of randomly perturbing the amplitudes of the components of multi-tone stimuli was studied in two experiments. In the first experiment, thresholds for a signal added in-phase to the central component of a standard were measured for different numbers of components in two conditions. In one condition thresholds were measured in blocks for six different “jagged” standards, and in another, thresholds were measured when one of the six standards was chosen randomly on a presentation-by-presentation basis. Regardless of condition, thresholds did not depend on the numbers of components and increased magnitude of perturbation increased thresholds. Moreover, the slope relating thresholds to number of components did not increase with increasing magnitude of perturbation. In the second experiment, the signal consisted of an increase in amplitude of the central components and a …
Effect of fast-acting compression on modulation detection interference for normal hearing and hearing impaired listeners (2010) Yi Shen and Jennifer J Lentz The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 127 (6), 3654-3665
To determine the effects of hearing loss and fast-acting compression on auditory grouping based on across-frequency modulation, modulation detection interference (MDI) was measured in listeners with normal hearing and hearing loss. MDI, the increase in the amplitude-modulation detection threshold of a target presented with an interferer distant in frequency, was measured using a 500-Hz target and a 2140-Hz interferer, both modulated with narrow-band noises of the same bandwidth. The two modulated tones were presented at equal loudness levels to listeners with normal hearing and hearing loss in the absence (Exp. 1) and in the presence (Exp. 2) of fast-acting compression applied to the interferer. Modulation detection thresholds increased with increasing modulation depth of the interferer by similar amounts for the two groups of listeners, suggesting that across-frequency grouping based on amplitude …